Monday, July 13, 2009
Apologies, peeps.

The title has shown. Terribly sorry for not updating the class blog. Kinda busy with homework so admin stuffs like birthdays and such are way behind.

Happy belated birthdays to all the May's and June's. :B

Okay, now it's July so Belated to Rahman!

Right now, we D&T students are having a blast using the computers in the library as our dear teacher is absent today :D
So, two idiots sitting beside me (Kat and Shiqah) are posting as well but some random things.
I'm just updating on admin stuffs. Oh where has Shira gone! -.-

P/S, right after "cb, ah. Whatever sabto." in that mini conversation in Kat's post, it's ain't me anymore -.-

If I'm right, upcoming birthday is Shankari on the 18th so any surprise is definitely not held by me.

Till then, ciao.

Bibi (:
10:20 AM

currently all the dnt students are slacking in the library.....woooooo
LEOW NEVER COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bibi is typing on the same thing....i dunno why....she's still my cat.... :DDDD

shiqah is crapping about......as usual..... ;D

there's this new teacher in our school.....he's an ex-student...he's ok....

wait......i forgot his name!!!!

shiqah:hey....i bored sia.
bibi:WHAT THE F?
shiqah:shut UP BIBIYANA! A.H!
kat:what u all talking abt??
shiqah:she freaks me out! ( full of expression )
bibi: cb, ah. Whatever sabto.
kat: EH! HUSSAIN!!!!!!!

bibi stares at both of us.

kat and shiqah: wat stare2?!



(story of what 3 junkos!)


ps:we had fun doing something in someone's blog.
(it's a secret)
10:20 AM
Friday, May 15, 2009

Yay people, yay!

No more papers to study! No more late-nights cramming sessions! (Obviously not me -.-) Best of all, five days break! If you include the weekends, yes, it is five.

Now, hear this. Let's pray we all passed. Borderline or exactly 50 marks, at least pass, right. And another note, the class tee is coming soon. Yes, yes. SOON. It's just that.. Well, better not say it here.

Anyways, let's all enjoy this temporary freedom from papers. Before it's too late. I'm gonna die of stress. Again.

Oh, before I leave (and pester someone else, maybe Shira, to update this blog), a Happy Advanced Birthday to, Shobah. I think you should really stick to Shomilah. Hah.
Karthik! You're my mata. Tell me everything later. Muahahahaha.


Bibi (:
4:25 PM
Friday, May 8, 2009
Hey. So, how's it going?

As the title above implies with a tinge of dramatic voice, exams have been pretty stressful for me -.- Yes, it is. I know the Geography Elective have gotten back their papers and so.. You don't have to brag about it.. I'm still anxious to take my Literature Elective paper..

After all, I definitely flunked Biology and History. Don't talk to me about Mother Tongue at all. I can never really have hopes in it no matter how hard I put into -.-

But still, we should be positive. Eh, come on people. ONE WEEK LEFT! After that, five days break, from Saturday to Wednesday. Power. I'll tell ya something: We should watch a movie together to celebrate the ending of Mid-Year.. Before O Level Mother Tongue starts..

Well, look on the bright side. Five days :D

Ciao. Gonna start on Lit soon.

Bibi (:
10:51 PM
Monday, April 27, 2009

Okay. I was told by Ms Syikin to update what happened today. Kinda fun, man!

I'm glad I wasn't cake-dificated. And yeah, there is no such word like that so don't try to put it in your English essay. She will shoot me in the head if she ever finds out. Not that I care ;P

Anyways, Ms Syikin bought the cake for the past birthdays from February till April. She called ALL the girls to come forward.. Yeah.. ALL the girls right.. So.. You're considering Wilson is a girl right.. Now our class can't differentiate between girls and guys. Great.

Okay, we sang and there's this bloody joker. In fact, three to five jokers, including yours truly. We played plasticine war. It all started out with Nur Shafiqah Sabto who has nothing better to do than to throw balls of plasticine at my vulnerable butt. -.-
And then.. One of the balls landed onto the cake. WOW! Guo Bin, nice aim. Hahaha.

(Note: I'm not condemning people. This is just my way of expressing my sarcasm and my style of typing. Don't get offended by it.)

Suddenly, the war became widespread to the whole class. Whole bunch of us were running mad, cowering with newspapers as our only defence while Ms Syikin went up to find plates for the cake. Thank God the class wasn't topsy-turvy.

Next, we had the cake war. Yes, one after another. THANK GOD IT WASN'T WORLD WAR THREE. I was slapped with leftover chocolate of the cake by Hui Tong and yes, I did get my revenge. It has never been this sweeter. Muahahaha. Chocolate-y sweet.

Let me get this straight, with various sources on the cake war. No, there were no flying cakes.

Khiriah chocolate-dified Hui Tong.
Huitong did me and vice versa.
From there, it was all jumbled up.
I did to Atiqah J (AJ).
She did to either Shafiqah or Khiriah.
AJ did Karthik and vice versa.

I didn't know who else was chocolate-dified but it was a hell of fun childish times.
Of course, we did cleaned up the class. Here are some pathetic pictures I took. I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN PICTURES OF PEOPLE CREAMED WITH CHOCOLATE ON THEIR FACES. Hilarious.

P/S: Saienah was very enthusiastic about taking her pictures taken and been criticised by Atiqah J, Khiriah and Shafiqah. Really funny but too bad it was conversed in Malay.

That's basically it, people.
Good luck (and pray hard) for the exams. Don't sleep too late. Stay healthy. Drink lots of plain water, reduce oily and chili food. What else did my instructor said..?
Forget it. -.-

Who's up for non-school-organised Night Study? (:
I don't not like to wear school uniform longer than I should have.

Bibi (:
9:28 PM
Friday, April 17, 2009
To Boon Lay Choristers.

Come on, choristers. Cheer up. Don't cry over the result.

It hurts me to see them cry, especially Kathilein. She put in so much effort for the choir. It's just even fair, although I never gotten a chance to hear them sing.. Since that day of their performance was my SYF day.

Taking part in SYF can affect people deep. VERY deep. So, you guys must understand why we cried over "trivial" matters like this, we couldn't even concentrate in class because our thoughts are chanting "SYF"over and over till SYF is over. It's devastating not to get the result we worked hard for about 8 months.

So, here I am. Dedicating this post to the Choristers that don't bother about the results, it's the process that you should value most. All those practices are not for nothing. You heard of the saying, "Juniors will surpass their seniors" and I believe all of you surpassed your seniors in 2007. Compared how you practiced now and then.

I want all to recall the best moments during those 8 months. There's bound to be one happy memory spent in Choir. Yes, everyone will definitely miss their CCAs and I hope we, the Performing Arts, could get one last chance to perform with our CCAs in the upcoming Kaleidorama II in July. If not, we can just watch to support.

Good luck in all upcoming CAs, tests, quizzes and exams.
I don't think I might have the time to update on Chinese Orchestra and Chinese Dance's results.

Anyways, good luck to both CCAs.

Bibi (:
2:48 PM
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Admin stuffs.




Just believe and don't cry! We can still visit our CCAs. Kat, don't cry on me. Be strong (:

Oh yeah, how did everyone fare in NAPHA and it's spelt like this. Don't argue. I felt satisfied with my new achievements :D
Okay, enough brag. Let's do our homework. No, I'm not a workaholic but I just feel pressurised by certain subjects. Plus, I learnt a thing or two about my eye problem, Astigmatism. From this notebook I found somewhere in my room..

Okay, cut it short: HOMEWORK. Until the results for all Performing Arts groups are out, maybe, after Chinese Dance I'll stop updating for a while.

But! Stay tuned. Because there are plans for class outing. One of which would be K-Box. I have no idea why I definitely won't stay when Shafiqah holds the mike. Hahaha! Joke.

Bibi (:
7:26 PM
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